Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Battle of the 'fu's: David Daniels vs. Christopher Dallo

The most obvious difference I noticed in this week's video clips is the quality of tone produced from our two singers. David Daniels tone is rich and full in quality--'covered' and intense in sound. In contrast, Dallo's voice is very thin in character.  This may be a result of age or difference in the vocal mechanism but either way, the contrast is apparent.

Another characteristic easily compared is the expression and interpretation each lends to their performances. Daniels' sings his phrases with more 'variety' and interest. His attention to the text and it's translation is apparent in most cases in his singing.  Dynamically, there is contrast in his (Daniels) soft and loud as well as in the rate at which this happens. There is also a sense of 'vocal line' indicating where the phrases  begin and end.  Rubato is also evident in his singing as well.  That is not to say that these things don't happen in Dallo's singing but, the level at which they happen is not they same and not as easily contrasted or varied.

Lastly, regarding the command each has over their performance, Dallo is far more passive and disengaged in his interpretation of 'Ombra Mai fu'.  Daniels in contrast, 'commits to' and is, at all times, in command of  his performance in a way that convinces the listener of the music.

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