Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Response: Where does the pressure go?

Sir Thomas Allen

Paul Wilt

Bidu Sayao

Bernice Ehrlich

Wow. Pretty neat comparison. What's interesting is, I may not have noticed the differences in Wilt's singing having not heard Allen's rendition of the same piece.  As you stated, Wilt has a great instrument and sings this song well but there is a marked difference in the singing of his vowels as his accesses the upper portion of his range.  His vowels are definitely more 'spread/horizontal' when compared to Allen.  Also, Wilt's tone loses its richness as a result of this.

Well, there are many things to compare in the singing Sayao and Erhlich.  Erlich's version is definitely lacking a 'grounded' tone.  The sound seems to almost 'pop-up' in the higher parts of the piece.  It seems she could also stand a consistent use of vibrato throughout the piece.  She utilizes a more natural tone during the beginning of her piece and changes that when it gets high, invariably changing the continuity of her sound as well.

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